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By RDG 04 Mar, 2019

Modern farmhouses are one of the hottest trends in home design and construction. These houses offer a wonderful combination of a simple, rustic feel and modern amenities and layout. If you are considering designing and building a new home, a modern farmhouse may be the right type of home for you.

What is it about modern farmhouses that makes them so popular? First and foremost, it is their simple, yet beautiful exterior appearance. Seeing modern farmhouses instantly helps you feel connected to days gone by and simpler times. Features like large and expansive front porches or reclaimed wood help to create a house that looks simple yet warm. A modern farmhouse’s exterior invites people to come and “sit a spell” and to simply slow down.

The interior of a modern farmhouse utilizes an open floor plan, helping its owners to have easy access to all rooms and ensuring that their new home fits in with the current style of today’s builds. In addition to their open floor plans, modern farmhouses also have kitchens that value function over style. While they are still pleasing to the eye, they value minimal clutter and accessibility. Bathrooms in a modern farmhouse also tend to feature simple tile patterns and colors – again, harkening back to a simpler, more basic time.

If you are interested in building a new home and are trying to determine the style and type of home you would like, a modern farmhouse could be just what you are wanting. It’s blend of yesterday and today, combined with its functionality and beauty, makes the modern farmhouse the ideal style for your new home. For more information about modern farmhouses or to get started on the home of your dreams, call us. We would love to meet with you and help you realize your dreams!

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